From a core range of favourites to a steady stream of seasonal brews.

Jimmy Sandison, a local, began this journey through the planning stages and completed a huge amount of work for us. He now continues this journey as a head brewer. Jimmy gained his knowledge of brewing at home and has fostered this passion over the course of many years.

About 10 years ago, I was fortunate enough to be involved in project to upgrade the Pale Ale line at Coopers Brewery in Adelaide. This project, whilst leading to involvement in further commercial brewery design projects, also piqued my interest in brewing my own beer and was the catalyst to me exploring more adventurous beer styles that I previously might have avoided prior.

Having been a local for most of my life, I often thought that a Craft Brewery in the area would be a great fit, It has therefore been exciting to play a part bringing the Maffco project to fruition! After initially being contacted by Nicky & Lash in late 2021 to assist with design and drafting components the project, it soon became apparent that I had more to offer than just engineering input and go on aid design, construction, and operation of the Brewery. 

Like many, my first brewing experience came in the form of a cheap home brew kit brewed on the kitchen stove. In all honestly, in the early days the finished product wasn't fantastic, but it was enough motivation to make me want to explore beer making in more depth. 

So far, the feedback from the community has been excellent, and I look forward to producing more great beer for Maffra and the wider area to enjoy! Cheers